We covet your prayers for 2 of our ABP1 girls!

The first week after we arrived in the Philippines, Lindsey was asked to sit in the hospital with Jing2. She was at that time diagnosed with diabetes at 10 years old. For the last year the staff of ABP1 has worked with her, and tried their best to keep her blood sugar at a normal level. She has had to change her diet and she regularly has to give herself insulin shots. It is extremely hard for her; The girls eat rice at every meal, sweets, and are treated by visiting missionaries. Jing2 struggles being a young girl, now 11, and not being able to live normally like the other 24 girls in the home.

Girlie was recently extremely sick with high fever, cough, conjestion, vommiting, and loss of weight. She was examined by doctors, and found to have TB or Tburculosis. She has had her cough ever since she was found on the streets. Therefore she has probably had the TB for a while now. She is now on medicine to cure her of it, but is still a sick little girl. Last week they had a birthday party for several of the girls in the home. After Girlie had been sick for a couple weeks she wanted to EAT!!! Well eat she did; she ate so much that it all came right back up. Please pray for Girlie that God will completely heal her of the TB, and that she will be back to her sweet little self. Thank your for lifting these two up with us, to our Heavenly Father who loves them so much more then we ever could!

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