Thursday, March 13, 2008

Daily Exercises of Faith

On this day to day journey God is so gently showing me my true heart. He points out how I am so quick to fear and rely on SELF instead of believing and trusting in Him. My focus is most always on the situation at hand instead of trusting His sovereign plan. Would you please pray with me, that the Holy Spirit will prompt me to trust and look to God instead of the waters all around me.
"When anxiety dominates and won't go away, I need to face the truth that my devotion is not being given to God with all my heart, soul, strenght, and mind but to SELF." - C. John Miller The Heart of A Servant Leader

Thank you for walking with us in this journey from day to day with your prayers and support.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I pray for Deborah during her times of fear and anxiety. Would You turn her heart and mind towards You and remind her of Your Word? Bring Scripture to her mind that will remind her of Your steadfast love and faithfulness so that when she is afraid she will really trust in You. Thank You for the good work which You have begun in her and for how You are bringing it to completion.
in Jesus' name. Amen
I love and miss you.