Thursday, April 08, 2010

I love Hexagon Flowers!!

This is a bit of a miscellaneous post but I'm dying to share a few things!! Steven's surgery went really well. We continue to Praise the Lord for His provisions for all of our needs. The surgeon said he was in much danger from the hernia rupturing, more cause for praise! We went yesterday for the Doctor to look at it and all is well. We go on Monday to have the stitches taken out, thank you so much for praying for him!
While I have not had much time for quilting etc. since we arrived, sitting in the hospital gave me to some to work on these precious hexagons and also some crocheting. I just love the bring colors of this yarns. And I also really like the pink and orange hexagons together. What do you think, all pink or pink and orange?

1 comment:

Bess said...

LOVE the pink and orange! They look so pretty together! Wow - you are amazing! I love the bright colors on the crocheting too!
Praising the LORD with you! Love you!